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1, the threshold is low, a high probability of success - in addition to the exclusive agent to make certain margin, the general agent company no limit, as long as there is some marketing experience and financial resources, the company has strong support, so we have to make a fortune opportunity to understand the way to get rich, with a good business model, with headquarters Wenzhongqiujin style, natural high success rate!
2, full of goods, lower distribution costs - the company uniform ex-factory sales, the implementation of regional pricing agents, to open stores or counters, low cost, easy to be successful.
3, excellent quality, high safety and stability - and resolutely implement a variety of quality as the core of the management system, the company has a sound quality assurance system, a standard production workshop, strong R & D strength, respect for David who has consistently adhered to "quality is the starting point of dignity, respect is the starting point for customers' product quality concept.
4, about philosophy, the brand value of marketing - Company stores nationwide unified image management, the implementation of national unity to promote the brand, for the majority of dealers to open up market confidence. Companies adhere to quality plastic brand to brand extension market operating principles, the implementation of interactive marketing idea, we performed to ensure the quality of products, lower costs, profit to the customer.
5, about management, sound and thoughtful service - small business, big business. We do not ignore the grade due to low price and image, not because of the small amount of individual businesses while ignoring the standardized management. Headquarters to provide market information or documents to customer needs, provide valuable marketing experience or sales channels. Perennial tracking, sharing intelligence, weaknesses, innovation management, so that each dealer maintain vigor, with a strong competitive edge in a rapidly changing market.


Established between the company and its customers are long-term partnerships, rather than simply trading relationships with our customers, we will continue to work together for common development. All operating systems, management systems, strategic planning, mission, vision has one of the most fundamental core, is both a profit. The only source of profit is the customer, so to meet customer demand for the highest working principle of our business operations. Customer satisfaction is the only starting point for inspection and standards of our work.
Our nation's commitment to the principles of customer complaints feedback;
Immediate feedback, and never make excuses; immediate error correction, be corrected. If you have any comments, suggestions, complaints, please contact us, thank you for your attention!
8-hour hotline to provide inquiry services, mail reply, procurement bargaining, ordering online consultation, but also continue to support efforts to provide professional services to the co-operators. In order to achieve the construction of a first-class customer service center, customer service training class professionals, together with respect for human progress and grow together hung vision. Excellent customer service and professional customer service management team will provide you with a comprehensive, thoughtful and timely quality service medal.
To enable engineers to continuously improve their personal skill level, to provide more comprehensive services, our company every month for professional engineers and technical training, and technical assessment carried out from time to time.
Work schedule arranged by the customer. In order to refine our services, our company implementation of regional management, full-time person for each customer service, so that each engineer can wholeheartedly for the customer's own service area.
Professional service allows you to high Chen worry!
Product use if you have any questions, you can consult the company consists of professional service center that can provide fast service.
Company for many years cooperation with CCTV, the majority of local and other well-known media, a strong cup of industry leaders to build China brand.
Professional integrated marketing management
Professional integration of media placement
Professional integration service
Professional integration of customer inquiries

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